Associate Members are companies and non-state organizations providing products and services that support the public entity risk management industry. Companies or organizations who wish to become part of the membership complete an application and submit it to the Board for consideration. Associate member dues are reviewed annually and established through Board approval. Associate Members may participate in STRIMA activities throughout the year and attend and assist at the Annual Conference. However, Associate members do not have voting rights and do not attend the Annual State Member Business Meeting.
Benefits of Associate Membership
STRIMA has been the premium association for state risk and insurance managers since 1974, promoting the advancement of risk management principles and practices in the public sector. State risk and insurance leaders collaborate with each other and with associate members in the risk and insurance industry.
STRIMA Associate Members enjoy the benefits of networking with risk management leaders throughout the nation and learn from other associate members whose services are impacting state risk agencies. STRIMA provides its Associate Members with educational resources, a platform for sharing services offered, and first-hand information posted by state members.
The highlight of each year is the STRIMA annual conference. This 5-day conference is packed with associate member exhibits where you can display your service offerings, attend educational workshops, participate in state-led open discussion of opportunities and challenges, submit questions for states during its annual round table forum, and network throughout the day and evening planned events. You won’t want to miss this amazing conference!